Some readers will indeed have landed on this post thinking, what an odd question to ask. At the same time, many others will be here with genuine concerns about whether their vagina is normal.
The noticeability of concern became transparent after Refinery29 asked their female readers what they thought about their vulvas and vaginas. With almost 4,000 responses, the figures revealed some fascinating statistics.

Equally as interesting, 72% of women that admitted to comparing their vaginas to pussy pictures, cited porn.
What is considered a normal Vagina?
Vaginas, vag, pussies, or whatever woman choose to call or name them come in all different shapes and sizes, just like dicks! Although the appearance may be less noticeable to men, who are more concerned about getting their face or penises in there, rather than judging it, women clearly show signs of self-consciousness in this area, which is very typical. However, Doctor Google says that women have nothing to worry about as long as it usually functions.
Why are women self-conscious about their vaginas?
Research suggests that there does appear to be a rise in self-concern, and an easy thing to blame the increase on would be the growing popularity of porn. Mega porn sites such as Pornhub receive “billions” of hits every month, demonstrating the popularity of the adult entertainment industry, even though many people still feel it’s necessary to deny watching it if you were to ask them.
Social media could also be an easy-to-blame target for people feeling self-conscious about themselves. The constant appearance of perfect and feeling as though the whole world is watching and judging you. But the fact that this isn’t just a problem in youngsters, who make up social media’s largest market, tells us that it cannot be solely to blame. In my opinion, it’s just normal.
Do men care about the appearance of woman’s vaginas?
The short answer is nowhere near as much as the woman!

Of course, some vaginas may noticeably stand out for reasons good or bad, but the majority, including those with slight flaws, wouldn’t be looked at or judged twice by a man whose only concern is getting laid. Research dating as far back as cavemen tell us that it definitely wouldn’t be off-putting enough for him to turn you away or even prevent him from getting an erection, for that matter.
What to do if you’re feeling self-conscious about your vagina?
Remembering that it’s normal to question the appearance of your vagina could be reassuring in itself. Comparing yourself to others by watching porn or looking at a collection of pussy pictures may also help, as long as you’re not someone that only ever finds the beauty in others. However, if you’re truly concerned about your piece of art, why not see an expert? It may give you the peace of mind that you’re seeking.