Top 10 Teens

Best Barely Legal Teen Pornstars List


Welcome back or to The world’s number one rated Pornstar tracking platform. You have landed on this page because you want to see who the top 10 teen Porn Stars or the barely legal babes of today are. Well, good news, you’re in the right place. has been tracking and ranking the top teen Pornstars since the beginning of time; now, with over 5,000 Porn Stars on our database, we can share a great list of the youngest and the hottest.


How accurate is your list of the Top 10 Most Popular Teen Porn Stars?


We rank each category of Porn Stars the same way as each other, using our reputable and sophisticated algorithm. Our algorithm extracts data from almost a dozen different sources and assigns popularity points to Pornstars, ranking them accurately and fairly.


How often is your Top 10 Teen Pornstar List updated?


All of our pages, including our top 10 teen Pornstars, are updated once per month, meaning that you’re getting up-to-date listings regularly.


Are your top 10 hottest female Porn Stars barely legal?


In the Porn industry, Pornstars aged 18 – 21 years old are typically considered teens or barely legal. So we track young Porn Stars in this category between those ages.


If you would like to see a larger list of younger Porn Stars, you can click on a Pornstars date of birth to pull up the entire list of Pornstars born in that specific year.


Want someone added to our barely legal list of the Best 10 Teen Pornstars?


If you are or know a Pornstar that you believe should be added to our Top 10 teen Porn Star list, then Contact Us.


If they are already on our database, then we cannot add them, as they are ranked based on popularity, which isn’t a decision made by humans. If they are not on our database, we may add them, and they may end up on the list.