Most of us would like to learn something more about various subjects but are too afraid to ask. After all, no one wants to look uneducated. However, as asking the right questions is the first step towards knowledge, no one should be blamed for their willingness to acquire more information — regardless of the subject.
One aspect of life that many consider taboo is sex. We are taught from a young age that sexual intercourse is an intimate act, meaning we should not talk about it with others. But how are we supposed to know what things are normal and not if we cannot ask anyone for advice?
If you have some unanswered questions, we might know the answers. Below, we answer some of the most embarrassing questions about sex. We will cover topics from using life-like sex dolls and other sex toys to passing gas during sex, smelling down there, and having painful sex. Let’s get started.
Is It Normal To Have Sex Dreams?

Sex dreams are extremely common. They can be random but most often involve that specific person that you have had your eye on for some time. Usually, the dreams are of doing things you wouldn’t normally do, like having sex in public places or even with more than one person.
While these might seem strange, they are perfectly normal. Dreams are subconscious attempts to fulfill our needs or desires. If you are not getting enough sex in real life, your brain will make up for it in your sleep. Although it may be embarrassing if you wake up mid-dream, don’t worry about it. Everyone has them.
Why Do People Use Life-Like Sex Dolls?

One question many people have is why people use life-like sex dolls. There are many reasons why someone would purchase one of these items. Some enjoy the feeling of sex without worrying about another person gaining emotions or becoming attached to them. Others find them convenient when they cannot find a partner to have sex with at a given time.
Besides, some people use them as a way to try out acts they may not otherwise do with a partner. Whatever your reason may be, it’s okay to ask questions or purchase a sex doll if you feel it’s right for you.
What Are The Best Sex Toys For Couples?
If you have a partner, it is always a good idea to explore your sexuality together. Having a shared interest in sex toys can bring couples closer together and increase intimacy between partners. However, if you are looking for the best sex toys for couples, keep in mind that your partner should be involved as these toys should not replace actual sex.
In our opinion, vibrators and dildos are great for couples because they allow both people to enjoy their own pleasure simultaneously. Some other excellent options include handcuffs and lubricants. As stated above, though, sex toys should not replace actual intercourse but expand it. So be sure to have lots of fun together first before experimenting with toys!
How To Control Your Farts During Sex?
If you have ever been embarrassed because of a fart during sex, then you know how much it can ruin the mood and take away from the enjoyment of the intimate moment you are sharing with your partner. While we cannot guarantee that you won’t fart during sex (no one can), there are ways to reduce the chances of this happening and make it less embarrassing if it does happen.
The first thing you should do is make sure to be relaxed before having sex. Being stressed out can cause farts and other bodily functions to malfunction and produce odors that would not otherwise be there — like flatulence during intercourse. Additionally, eating foods that cause gas can also cause farts during sex — so avoid those foods at all costs! Finally, try to poop before sex — this will reduce the chances of farting during intercourse. If you can follow these simple steps, you should not experience as many farts during intercourse as you used to!
Can You Lose Your Virginity By Masturbating?
Masturbation has been around for centuries and is natural and healthy — especially when done correctly! Many people worry that masturbating can make them lose their virginity — but this isn’t true at all! Although it usually involves penetration of some kind — either with fingers or a sex toy — it does not count as losing your virginity. Therefore, if you are worried about losing your virginity by masturbating, know that you are safe.
How Long Should I Wait Before Having Sex After Giving Birth?

The amount of time you should wait before having sex after giving birth depends on several factors. For starters, it depends on whether or not your doctor said it was okay to have sex while breastfeeding. Additionally, some women have a hard time getting back into the swing of things after birth — so give yourself some time to recover before having sex.
Some people recommend waiting a year, but it is best to ask your doctor for advice on this matter. They will know if it is safe for you to have sex and when you should be ready. Keep that your body is not the same as pre-birth, and your body will need time to get back into its old shape.
As you can see, sex is a complex subject with many things that we don’t understand or know about. However, there is no shame in being curious about something and asking questions. So, if you have a question, don’t be embarrassed to ask it. If you are too anxious to ask a friend or a family member, there is no shame in visiting a doctor or going online to ask someone!
Don’t let embarrassment get in your way of having a fulfilling sex life. By talking about sex, we can learn more about ourselves and what makes us happy. As long as your questions are respectful and appropriate, there is nothing wrong with asking them.