Going back a couple of decades, the internet is still fresh, people are still learning, and it is virtually pornography free. Back then, if you wanted to see a hot naked woman, you would visit your local corner store and grab a top-shelf magazine. Although the risk of getting addicted to porn was still there, it was undoubtedly much more unheard of. Fast forward 20 years, and free pussy is everywhere. One sentence into Google will reveal thousands, if not millions, of targeted results. Filtered searches and incognito browsers make it even more convenient than having the world’s most extensive porn catalog at your fingertips.
With that said, you may often find yourself bored, alone, and horny with only one option. But how can you fix this?
What Is Addiction?
According to the dictionary, addiction is “the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity”. Addiction is frequent or unhealthy use of a substance or activity. So, if you find yourself regularly visiting porn sites, probably more so than most people, you may likely have a pornography addiction.
How Can A Porn Addiction Affect My Life?
In some severe cases, porn addiction has impacted lives significantly. But for the average horny joe, porn can be a relatively mild addiction that has virtually zero effect on your life. If you fall into that soft category, you may wonder why you should even go through the struggle of breaking free. But porn, like any addiction, can worsen over time and become less manageable.
Addiction, like any, can escalate and worsen. So, although it may not affect you right now, it may affect you in the future. For example, when you have a partner. This can change your appeal toward sex, ultimately hurting your relationship. Not to mention, many partners may be put off visiting porn websites frequently. Although the internet is saturated with free adult content, a declining addiction may lead to you spending money on premium porn. This can become quite expensive over time and affect your life financially.
How Can I Fix My Porn Addiction?
Unfortunately, there isn’t any medicine that will replace such an addiction, and there are only a few things that you can do to relax it. These things involve little effort but a lot of willpower.
Go Cold Turkey
The most obvious solution would be to go cold turkey and stop watching porn. But, like anything, that’s much easier said than done. This doesn’t mean you need to stop masturbating, just no more videos.
Watch It Less
If you’re watching porn once or several times a day and masturbating to it, try reducing this. Maybe once every other day, to once a week until you feel that you can completely break free.
Get A Sex Partner
In most cases, the men becoming addicted to porn are not sexually active. Finding yourself a girlfriend or booty call will likely begin reducing the frequent porn viewing and replacing it with the real stuff.