Many people struggle to get their heads around why anyone would pay for live porn when you can watch free porn.
Why Watching Free Porn Is Better
You Have A Bigger Selection
Although webcam modeling is viral, there are undoubtedly more free nude pics and sex porn videos than webcam models. Maybe none of the hosts broadcasting during your horny hours are fit for masturbation, a problem you certainly wouldn’t have with porn videos.
You Have A Wider Variety
Not only are there a lot more porn videos than webcam models, but you have a wider variety of porn. Most websites limit what models performing on their site can do, whereas there is no limit on tube sites; the categories are endless, from milfs, to big tits porn, and you’ll always find what you’re looking for.
It’s More Easily Accessible
Sure, you can probably visit a webcam site and select a model as fast as you can choose a porn video on a tube site; however, to chat to the model or make a purchase, you’re required to create an account. It all becomes a slightly lengthy process, especially if you want to have a quick wank!
Are You Cheating With A Webcam Model?

Many women would class watching a webcam model as cheating while having a comfortable view of porn and their partners watching it. Whether it’s cheating or not, you can watch as much free porn as you like with a clear conscience.
Porn Videos Are FREE!
The most crucial point is that there is more free porn out there than you can ever watch. You never have to worry about what you have spent after you have cum, just a guilty free wank.
Why Watching Live Porn Is Better?
On the flip side, many would argue that there are equally as many benefits to paying to watch cam shows.

It’s A Hotter Experience
You cannot deny that you’re engaging sexually with a real person makes the entire experience sexier.
They Often Do What You Want
How many times have you watched a porn video hoping a specific action happens in it? It’s not uncommon. When it comes to adult cams, the performers will often do what you want/enjoy as you’re the one paying. So you can get that sexy action that you love every time.
It’s Longer Lasting
Maybe you’re not looking for a quick wank, and you want to take your time and enjoy the moment a bit. If that’s the case, assuming that moment with a webcam model will be much more pleasurable than browsing hundreds of videos while tugging slowly.
Some People Want A Partner
You may be single, so have no guilt watching a webcam model, and you may want a real person to talk to. You would probably be surprised to hear how many people visit cam performers for a talk. Maybe they have made friends or believe they have and enjoy the company of the model.
There is no right and wrong answer; the experience between free porn and adult cam sites applies to different people. Although it’s reasonable to think it’s a complete waste of money to some people, it’s easy to understand why others enjoy it and are happy to spend their money on it.